
Review: Stealth Cables Metacarbon Interconnect |
First, I would like to thank the fellow GON
members who gave me accurate and helpful
information regarding the Metacarbon cable
last week when I posted a thread regarding the
performance of these IC's.
On a few occasions I had heard in other
individual's systems the justly praised
Stealth Indra cables. I also had read much
about this very special and expensive cable,
along with talking to many "golden
eared" audiophiles who believe it's one
of the great IC's produced today. They all
said don't audition this cable unless you can
handle the price of admission (around $6000.00
new) because if you put it in, you won't want
to take it out.
I had auditioned a bunch of digital cables
before I settled on the Stealth Sextet, I
wrote a review of that cable also here on the
GON, which was one of the most amazing cables
I have ever put into my system. It was
Stealth's attempt to replicate the sonics of
the Indra IC's in a digital cable.
I then started to read about how Serguei
Timachev, Mr. Stealth Cables, was trying to
design/build a new IC's that would also live
up to the legendary Indra's sonic performance
for two reasons:
1) The infamous amorphous metal/conductor of
the Indra that he brought with him from
Russia, would one day run out and not be able
to be replaced.
2) He wanted to design a cable that would
offer the sonic performance of the Indra at a
much lower cost point.
As, in all my reviews if you want technical
details I recommend you go to Stealth's
website or the 6moons website for a more
detailed history. In brief, the Metacarbons
are a very well built cable that's jet black
with gold sparkles, relatively loose, not
rigid and are composed of carbon with fine
metal particles in a specific recipe. My pair
are single ended with locking RCA's.
The Sonics of the Metacarbon
I could get very long winded about all the
striking attributes of this cable because
there all their in spades:
1) Transparency/clarity 2) A much
bigger/better soundstage 3) More air around
each player and more precise layering 4)
Tremendous macrodynamics/extension 5) Very
natural timbres 6) Beautiful details
Just as I struggled to try to express in words
what the Stealth Sextet did in my system, it's
just as hard to try to convey what the
Metacarbon's offered without sounding mystical
or so subjective that the following statements
just sound "mumbo-jumbo". The above
stated sonic attributes are fine and dandy,
but they don't explain the further absence of
"any type of electrical/artificial
sense" of music being reproduced in my
system. How do you explain the sound of
"nothing" except to say things like
, it just sounds more like real music, or it's
more organic and musical, or it makes it more
easy to relax into the illusion that your
hearing real music. Well, that's the best I
can do and I hope it conveys what I'm
experiencing with this cable in my system.
So, did Mr.Timachev come up with a exact sonic
clone for his legendary Indra? I don't know
since I never had one in my own system.
However, individual's who have heard both seem
to believe the Indra is still slightly better
at not sonicly "being there"
compared to the Metacarbons. The Metacarbons
have to be ranked as one of the finest
reference cables around today. I also always
say their is no BEST piece of gear in the
world, including the Metacarbons, so much of
our hobby is based on personnal taste/system
synergy. These are not inexpensive cables,
they retail for $3000.00 for a one meter pair,
but based on a cost/performance ratio, they
offer reference level sonics for alot less
money then many other cables.
Associated gear
to view my Virtual System
by Teajay
on 03-13-07 |