Jon Bloom
The Indra cables are incredible.
At first, they were very bright and
"tinny" and I got a little nervous. Cymbals did not sound
realistic and voice was a little harsh. It was very noticeable and
discomforting after truly listening and enjoying the PGS XL. It took
about one month of moderate listening, but the cable signature and
my speakers have completely disappeared from the sound stage. The
sound stage has improved in detail and sound/instrument placement. I
seem to get a wider sphere of sound stage than previously with the
PGS XL. I have to admit that I really did love the XL. The XL are a
bit "warmer" not bright; which I truly liked. The Indra
allow for a more accurate and emotional sound experience. The are
transparent in my system. I hear every sound and every detail. I
have a song with a very, very deep male voice that did not sound
real good prior to the Indra in my system; I used to always pass
over the track. I listened to it after the Indra were installed and
I found his voice is very, !very deep, rich, rolling smooth. It's
like a new dimension was unlocked and wow, it's incredible. Jon