Dream V10 Loudspeaker cables
While the size (overall
diameter) of the Dream V10 (revision 2010) is the same as the
standard Dream, the color is silver (with four transparent spiral stripes that go along the
cables), and most importantly, the new version offers a number of improvements. Inside
wire bundles, we added a new core for all wire bundles. This new core
is conductive, carbon fiber-based; the idea of this new core came from our experimentation with pure carbon speaker cables. The pure carbon speaker cable prototypes that we made and auditioned
were very thick: several inches in diameter; the pure carbon
speaker cables sound VERY different, compare to the conventional, metal-based cables: the soundstage is
much deeper and absolutely 3-D. Unfortunately, our carbon prototype is tonally incorrect, and thus we won't be releasing it any time soon. However, in the Dream V10, in same
dimensions as the standard Dream, replacing the non-conductive
core with a carbon fiber based - i.e. conductive - we have been able to get a
better soundstage. To compensate for
the (unwanted) tonal balance shift, we replaced 1/3 of the
original wire assemblies with a flat solid silver AND directly immersed in
Helium, and added a static shield between the wire bundles.
As the result, the tonal balance of the Dream V10 is similar to
the Dream, with noticeably improved - "livelier", tighter bass,
better transient response, and improved immediacy of its sonic
The Dream V10 - as the standard
Dream - stereo set consists of
two thick, round cables - which are 35 mm (1.37 inch) in
diameter. The cables split at the ends into positive and negative
Please take a look at simplified cross-sections
of both the Dream V10 and the standard Dream:
The outer layer
of the Dream V10 cable is made of 8 hybrid wire assemblies,
and four solid silver, flat, spiraled, para-vacuum* conductors
and 4 spacers (dividers) - versus 12 identical wire assemblies and 4 spacers
in the standard Dream;
Each hybrid wire
assembly is 6.35 mm (1/4 inch) in diameter, made of 8 individually insulated
solid core wires in our proprietary non-resonant distributed LITZ
configuration; two different thicknesses (gauges) of 99.999%
pure solid core copper, and two different gauges of 99.997%
pure solid core silver are used - per each wire
The wire
assemblies are wrapped around a
hollow, flexible para-vacuum* center multi-core (flexible
Helium-filled tubing).
Three wire
assemblies being run side-by-side create wire bundles (triple
runs). Therefore, there are four wire bundles (triple runs) in
each Dream cable.
The four wire
bundles (triple runs) are separated by
four blue foam Teflon dividing runs (spacers).
The spacers have
the dame diameter as the wire assemblies, i.e. 6.35 mm (1/4 inch).
Using dividers dramatically reduces the overall cable capacitance
and thus assures stability (non-oscillation) of any amplifier.
In addition, these four equally
distributed spacers-dividers allows internal bi-wiring with
Dream cables without any performance loss**
The four triple
runs (wire bundles) are being run individually for internal
bi-wire. For single wire, two triple runs being run in
parallel make a positive run, and the other two make a
negative run.
Thicker and
sturdier, redesigned STEALTH solid silver spade lugs,
sandblasted with glass spheres for improved contact.
Optional - newly
designed solid
silver STEALTH proprietary banana plugs: easy to insert, but
tight (plastic spring-loaded) and virtually unbreakable
(Kevlar composite insert for extra strength).
Suggested retail price for the Dream V10
is $11,400 for a 2 meter pair, and $5,200
for each consecutive meter.
(1.5 and shorter pair of Dream speaker cables is
Bi-Wiring adds $1,300 regardless of the cable length;
Suggested retail price for the Dream is $8,800 for a 2 meter pair, and $4,000
for each consecutive meter.
(1.5 and shorter pair of Dream speaker cables is
Bi-Wiring adds $1000 regardless of the cable length;
para-vacuum tube is a hermetically sealed flexible tube filled
with Helium; fist, Helium is approximately 15 times lighter than
air, and therefore its energy storage properties are extremely
good: about equal to that of a 15-fold vacuum; the dielectric
properties of such environment are even better: Helium is inert
and has no ozone or other ionized molecules, and therefore there
are absolutely no leaks of any kind - and this is better than
any realistic vacuum. In addition, being surrounded by Helium,
the wires will never oxidize or deteriorate. And the last - but
not least, sine - unlike any vacuum - the Helium pressure is
exactly the same as the atmospheric air pressure, there is
nothing to force our Helium to leak, plus the tubes remain
flexible, and the Dream cables are user-friendly - unlike all
other "vacuum" cables (which are very stiff and inevitably lose
vacuum with time - i.e. unlike the Dream, need periodical
service to maintain the performance).
** In other words, internal
bi-wiring with Dream cables offers practically the same performance as true
bi-wiring (but obviously true bi-wiring offer double the
effective (combined) gauge;
Some of the very first - beta testing - Dream speaker cables
were made in white color code, as shown below. Both white (beta)
and blue-black (production) versions
are internally the same.